Thanks for posting the link to your high resolution image Mark. I was able to download it without any issues.
Here is a side-by-side composite of your M101 with SN2023ixf taken on 5/21/2023 and my M101 taken approximately one year earlier on 5/30/2022. I matched the orientation, image scale and look of my image to be close to what you posted. BTW - I'm posting this on the forum to avoid the high image compression that the regular DVAA email group causes.
The stats on my M101 image (on the right side without SN2023ixf) are as follows:
May 30, 2022 (~00:44 to 02:00 EDT)
1hr, 15min Exp (15x5min subs)
OTA: TeleVue TV101 (525mm FL, 1.48 arcsec/pix)
Camera: ZWO ASI2600MC-P (-18ºC, G=50), Internal IR Filter
Mount: ZWO AM5
Calibration: Bias, Darks & Flats
Pre & Post Processing: PixInsight Ver 1.8.9
Cherry Springs, PA
~Bortle 2-3 (SQM ~= 21.55 Measured with SQM-L meter)
Clear skies,