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M8 Lagoon Nebula same data two outcomes
Daniel Stern

Attached are two versions of the same data for M8 in Hubble Palette.  Being narrowband (false color) all bets are off regarding color so results can be quite different.  The workflow was very similar except for some artistic choices along the way.


Capture software NINA

Processing – Pixinsight

Total integration time – 11.5 hours

S2 3nm – 17 x 300

O3 3nm – 55 x 300

Ha 3nm – 66 x 300

Scope - Sharpstar 140mm F4.8

Camera - SBIG STXL 16200

Mount - Paramount ME 2

Image scale 1.8 arcseconds/pixel



Joseph Lamb

Dramatic Images, Dan! Detail is marvelous!


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