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Hey folks, Anyone want to show me how to process this guy? Maybe we can use this as a lesson for some of the nonlinear processing in PI.

I'm getting more comfortable at using PI, but I'm trying to take an image past the halfway mark. The nice thing about these SeeStar images is that, although they aren't going to produce amazing images, they are really good for practicing processing. This image was live stacked by SeeStar. Nothing else has been done to it.

So far my standard workflow for these little files is as follows:

* Debayer

* CC


* Star Xterminator

* Spectro Photometric Color Calibration for the stars frame.

* Stretch

[at this point I don't know what to do in PI - I'll end up punting these over to Photoshop - manipulate in PS then clean it all up in Lightroom].

Thanks in advance!

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