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Vixen adapter/extender
Martin Jones

I'm trying to set up a rig to do some basic deep sky work on the cheap.

I've got a Celestron CT80 on an Ioptron cube, but with a camera installed the camera can impact the Cube tripod legs.

If there was such a thing as a 2 inch female to female vixen adapter that would seem to solve my problem but I cant see such a thing anywhere. Any advice would be most welcome, thanks, Martin

Prasad Agrahar
Maybe you need a "half-pier" to move the mount higher up and away from the tripod? 


Daniel Stern
Hi Martin,
Try Precise Parts.


Martin Jones

Thanks guys. Preciseparts looks pretty cool but it seems they do optical adapters etc rather than mounts.

I will look into the pier idea.

Prasad Agrahar
I do not know where you live. I have a half-pier that fits on top of Vixen-style tripods. I can lend it to you if you want to try it. I use it but rarely. Please message me privately if you want to borrow. 


Martin Jones

Thanks, very kind of you but I believe I know what I need, an Ioptron mini-pier. Again thanks for your help.

Prasad Agrahar
There you go. Good luck and please share your imaging experience. 


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