Hello, everyone!
I recently completed a mosaic of the Moon. I found it to be an interesting and enjoyable project.
For anyone having some experience with planets the creation of these should be relatively straightforward. One potential challenge, though, finding enough disk space on one's computer. The file of videos for this project weighed in at 160 GBs! (I had no choice but to capture to and process from an external drive.)
This was my first real experience with Microsoft Image Composite Editor (ICE) and it worked wonderfully.
Happy Spring!
Details: Midpoint Time: 2 Hrs.UT,4-1-2023; Lunar Age: 10.1 Days; Camera: ZWOASI174 (Mono) Telescope: Celestron 11 @ f/20. Capture:150X2,000 frame SER format using FireCapture. Processed in AutoStakkert 3.1.4; Registax 6, Microsoft Image Composite Editor and Photoshop CS4 (Levels, "Healing" and sky background.)